Graduate School of Theology


Introduction to the Graduate School of Theology

To become a dynamic and evolving institution in the globalized era.

Educational Purpose

The Graduate School of Theology aims to train interdenominational leaders and theologians with professionalism and academic excellence, based on biblical evangelicalism, to lead church, national, and global missions.

Degree Programs:

Master of Divinity (M.Div.): - 3 years (6 semesters)

Graduate school graduation credits Sortation credits detailed major
theological school 102 credits 1. Core
2. Major Required
3. Major Electives
10 credits
80 credits
12 credits
- Those exempt from Greek and Hebrew must complete 72 major required and 20 major elective credits.
A Bible-Centered Curriculum.

- Emphasis on the inerrant and authoritative nature of the Bible.
- Training in accurate exegesis and exposition of all 66 books of the Bible.

Evangelical Orthodoxy Theology

Upholding doctrines such as the Trinity, the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the total depravity of humanity, the atoning death and bodily resurrection of Jesus, salvation by faith in Christ, and His second coming.

Training Interdenominational Leaders

- Equipping leaders for independent churches and mission organizations both domestically and globally.
- Graduates contribute to the stability and growth of Korean and global churches.

Developing Leaders with Dynamic Spirituality

Emphasizing the illumination and fullness of the Holy Spirit for proper understanding and proclamation of God’s Word.

International Academic Exchange:

Engaging in active academic exchanges with like-minded evangelical seminaries worldwide to cultivate leaders with global perspectives and competencies.